Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 dr hab. Agnieszka Chamera-Nowak Open Journal Systems Spis treści 2024-12-30T22:10:21+01:00 Michał Krupa 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Michał Krupa Edytorial 2024-12-04T19:20:57+01:00 Miroslav Kouba 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 - w pełni pozostają przy autorze. The originality or worldliness of Czech literature? Magazine polemic in the period when the Májovci were appearing on the Czech cultural scene 2024-12-04T19:25:10+01:00 Ivo Říha <p class="abstraktangmetadane"><span lang="EN-GB">This paper deals with the situation in the mid-nineteenth century when periodicals of the day featured heated discussions about national literature and a broader European context. This period of Czech literary history overlaps with the appearance of the <span class="kursywa">Májovci </span>[the “May School”], more precisely precedes it slightly. The study is based on the relevant chapter in Ivo Říha’s monograph <span class="kursywa">Možnosti četby. Karolina Světlá v diskurzu literární kritiky druhé poloviny 19. století </span>[Possible readings. Karolina Světlá in critical literary discourse of the second half of the nineteenth century] (Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2012).</span></p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 - fully remain with the author. Formation of cultural images of Slovenia in Czech journalism of the nineteenth century and their traces in contemporary memory 2024-12-04T19:29:26+01:00 Aleš Kozár <p>During the nineteenth century, in the Czech press we can see the formation of symbolic images of Slovenes and Slovene culture and its history and culture that accompanied the development of mutual awareness of both countries and cultures. The intensity of these ties culminated at the beginning of the twentieth century in all areas of the contact between the two countries. During the twentieth century, thanks to both world wars and the political changes they caused, as well as due to the estrangement of both regimes during the 1950s, these relations underwent partial degradation, accompanied by erosion of awareness of Slovenian culture in what was then Czechoslovakia. The period after 1991 is accompanied by active reminders of entirely or partially vanished symbols and narratives of mutual relations (Plečnik, Majar Ziljski, Lego, Gallus, Kvederová, etc.) through events (exhibitions, conferences) or by building places of memory (memorial plaques, repair of gravestones, etc.). The study attempts to point out the evolution of some of these symbolic images and their forgetting/remembrance today.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 - fully remain with the author. “Thousands of lives and millions of rubles!” The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 reflected in Czech periodicals 2024-12-04T19:31:58+01:00 Miroslav Kouba <p>The years 1876–1878 were a time when the nationalist movement of the southern Slavic nations in the Balkans was culminating, especially among the Bulgarians, who, under the influence of the anti-Turkish rebellion in Herzegovina in 1875, accelerated preparations for similarly organized rebel activities. These events showed the Bulgarian issue being not an internal affair of the Ottoman Empire but rather as being integral to the Great Eastern Crisis, related to differing opinions of European powers, especially Great Britain and Russia, which was also followed closely by the Czech periodical press (e.g., <em>Národní listy</em>, <em>Světozor</em>, <em>Čech,</em> etc.). This study examines the primary spectrum of attitudes taken on these questions of international politics by Czech journalists, especially those working for <em>Národní listy</em>, the leading Czech periodical of that era, who during this era of culminating Czech emancipation, were finally coming of age in the sense of an independent profession. The focus will not be on the ideological parameters of the Russo-Turkish War but rather on the perception of the military conflict and its reflections in a geographically relatively remote environment, which continues to be relevant even now.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 - fully remain with the author. Memory and storytelling. The path from parental memories to a nation-building myth for children 2024-12-04T19:35:27+01:00 Kateřina Korábková <p>This paper focuses on how October 28—Czechoslovak Independence Day—is presented in children’s sections and supplements in newspapers of inter-war Czechoslovakia. Examination of various types of texts intended for children reveals several basic interpretations of this important day. The paper aims to describe the characteristics taken on by the formation of a nation-building myth for children, which transforms the collective memory of parents into a historical memory serving to create and strengthen national identity.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 - fully remain with the author. Księgozbiór muzyczny Paula Friedricha Dammego (1864-1925) jako źródło informacji o kulturze muzycznej Gdańska i Sopotu w pierwszej połowie XX wieku. Stan badań nad odtworzeniem dawnego inwentarza muzycznego sygnowanego dawną sygnaturą A 2024-12-04T19:41:11+01:00 Marta Walkusz <p>Artykuł jest kontynuacją badań nad pochodzeniem dawnej, niemieckiej sygnatury bibliotecznej (dalej: sygnatury A) znalezionej w drukach muzycznych przechowywanych w Bibliotece Akademii Muzycznej im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku oraz uzupełnieniem wiedzy o kulturze muzycznej Gdańska i Sopotu w pierwszej połowie XX wieku. W obrębie badanego zasobu nutowego odkryto dwie nieznane wcześniej kolekcje radnych Gdańska. W niniejszej pracy, na podstawie znalezionych znaków własnościowych, omówiono działalność niemieckich organizacji kulturalnych w czasie II wojny światowej oraz scharakteryzowano księgozbiór Paula Friedricha Dammego (1864–1925). Najważniejszym wynikiem badań proweniencyjnych jest odkrycie, że doktor prawa, bankier oraz radny Gdańska P. Damme był również czynnym muzykiem wiolonczelistą koncertującym w Sopocie i w Mediolanie, zaś zbiór nut był gromadzony przez niego w sposób intencjonalny i pełnił funkcję materiału wykonawczego.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 - fully remain with the author. The music collection of Paul Friedrich Damme (1864–1925) as a source of information on the musical culture of Gdańsk and Sopot in the first half of the 20th century. The state of research on the reconstruction of the music inventory signed with the older signature A 2024-12-04T19:43:23+01:00 Marta Walkusz <p>This article is a continuation of research into the origin of the German library signature (hereafter: signature A) found in music prints held at the Library of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk and an addition to the knowledge of the musical culture of Gdańsk and Sopot in the first half of the 20th century. Two previously unknown collections of Gdansk’s councilors were discovered within the sheet music resource studied. Based on the ownership marks found, this paper discusses the activities of German cultural organizations during World War II and characterizes the book collection of Paul Friedrich Damme (1864–1925). The most important result of the provenance research is the discovery that P. Damme, a doctor of law, banker, and councilor of Danzig, was also an active cellist musician giving concerts in Sopot and Milan, among other places; the sheet music collection was collected by him intentionally and served as performance material.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 - fully remain with the author. The Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies and Library Collections at the University of California-Berkeley 2024-12-04T19:47:45+01:00 Liladhar R. Pendse <p>The University of California (UC), Berkeley Library’s Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies collection has evolved over the past hundred years in response to major historical events and processes. The October Revolution and the Cold War both brought about a meteoric rise in attention to the field, while the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 have further stimulated collection development. This article highlights the people and collecting practices that have shaped the collection today, focusing on the history, languages, and literature departments. Slavic and East European Studies faculty have been instrumental in shaping the collection development priorities since the inception of instruction in the field. The article also acknowledges the role of the political sciences department in stimulating collection development during the Cold War.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 - fully remain with the author. Strony tytuowe 2024-12-30T22:07:02+01:00 Michał Krupa 2024-12-31T00:00:00+01:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Michał Krupa