Overview of paper and papermaking in Xinjiang, China
https://doi.org/10.33077/uw.25448730.zbkh.2020.631Słowa kluczowe:
mulberry paper, history, papermaking technique, Uighur minority.Abstrakt
Papermaking in Xinjiang has a long history beginning during the Han Dynasty, to which a good many ancient documents excavated there bear witness. As an important transmitter of culture along the Silk Road, paper bears the imprint of the historical development of Xinjiang. Paper and papermaking techniques in Xinjiang are therefore of great historical and cultural importance. This article gives an overview of the development of traditional papermaking in Xinjiang, especially the mulberry papermaking in the Hotan area, by presenting its history, the raw materials used, papermaking and processing techniques, usages and the revival of handmade mulberry paper today in order to demonstrate its diverse values.
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