Tonkin’s giấy dó and its Chinese roots
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Tonkinese papermaking, giấy dó, cây gió, dó, dưóng, tranh, cây mỡ, Daphne involucrata, Rhamnoneuron balansae, Broussonetia papyrifera, Aquilaria, Paper mulberry, bamboo, straw, grass.Abstrakt
There are various sources concerning the manufacture of Indochinese paper at the beginning of the 20th century: articles published in colonial magazines by engineers or by industrial managers working in Indochina, photographs and postcards taken by the colonial services; the work of Henri Oger, administrator of the French civil services stationed in Hanoi between 1912 and 1919; and during a later period and Dard Hunter’s book published in 1947, following a trip he made to Indochina. These sources provide a fairly precise idea of paper production and its social organisation in the region. This article presents the production of paper in the northern part of present-day Vietnam. It attempts to show the links between the Chinese and Tonkinese paper making.
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