A scientific description of specimens of Asian paper of known origin
https://doi.org/10.33077/uw.25448730.zbkh.2020.634Słowa kluczowe:
Fibre preparation, sheet formation, traces of technologies, Asian papermaking.Abstrakt
The fibres and technologies used in the production of 14 handmade paper samples of known provenance, collected during study tours to Nepal, Thailand and Japan in 1984, 1985 and 1988 illustrate the importance of the preparation process for the final quality of the paper. The detailed descriptions from field notes and observation of the time-consuming preparation process of the fibres from the Moraceae and Thymelaeaceae plant families in this article indicate the close connection between the preparation of the fibres and the technology used in the sheet formation and the drying process. A useful reference for known fibres, technology and provenance, these 14 samples serve in comparative analyses as an identification key for the fibres and technology of unidentified Asian papers.
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