Dawne zbiory Uniwersytetu Lwowskiego jako część cyfrowego GLAM
https://doi.org/10.33077/uw.25448730.zbkh.2022.718Słowa kluczowe:
obiekt cyfrowy – digitalizacja – Lwów – International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) – Wirtualne Laboratorium Transkrypcji (WTL)Abstrakt
The subject of the analysis are archival materials collected in two descriptions, constituting personal matters of employees of the former University of Lviv (Archival description of the 5th team 26 and archival description of the 1st team P-119). Digital copies of these resources are part of the digital GLAM, digital services created at the University of Wrocław, based on the cooperation of various institutions (archives, libraries, museums and archives) that make their digital collections available using a standardized description and presentation. Institutions that are part of GLAM use in the digital space, among others the IIIF standard (International Image Interoperability Framework), a standard that enables dynamic sharing of digitized digital objects, as well as the Virtual Transcription Laboratory (WLT), a cloudbased tool that allows you to create a text layer as a result of automatic recognition (OCR) or by manualy transcription tools. The article presents both tools, intended to create digital text based on scans, which can then be used to prepare digital objects in various standards: eBook, TEI and in others digital scientific tools.
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• Mirador Viewer, [online] https://projectmirador.org [dostęp 10.07.2021].
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• Presentation API 3.0, Application Programming Interface, [online] https://iiif.io/api/presentation/3.0 [dostęp 10.07.2021].
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• Wirtualne Laboratorium Transkrypcji, [online] http://translab.uni.wroc.pl [dostęp 12.08.2021].
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