Primary sources on the trajectories of Polish-Jewish refugees during World War II at the Hoover Institution Library and Archives
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Biblioteka i Archiwum Instytutu Hoovera - kolekcja polska - uchodźcy - uchodźcy polsko żydowscy - Karski Jan (1914–2000) - Rząd Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na uchodźstwie - świadectwaAbstrakt
The Hoover Institution Library and Archives at Stanford University has become an international hub for research and documentation. With more than a million volumes and 6,000 archival collections on war, revolution, and peace, it serves as one of the biggest knowledge repository worldwide.
The holdings contain the most extensive and comprehensive documentation related to modern Polish history outside of Poland. Among them are rich and unique collections of primary diplomatic, philanthropic, memoiristic, visual, and other sources. The article outlines the most valuable sources and their collections on the trajectories of Polish Jewish refugees during World II. The very brief presentation of the up-to-date unexplored sources indicates that the growing research on Polish and Polish Jewish war refugees still has the potential to be expanded.
Hoover Institution Library and Archives:
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• Poland. Ambasada (France) records 1919–1945, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024],
• Poland. Ambasada (Great Britain) records, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024],
• Poland. Ambasada (Soviet Union) records, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024],
• Poland. Ambasada (U.S.) records, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024],
• Poland. Konsulat Generalny (New York, N.Y.) records 1940–1948, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024],
• Poland. Ministerstwo Informacji i Dokumentacji records, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024],
• Poland. Ministerstwo Informacji i Dokumentacji records, Box 124, Folder 1, Prot. No. 302, Zeznania Szlomy Begliktera,
• Poland. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych records, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024],
• Poland. Poselstwo (Portugal) records 1919–1957, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024],
• Romer (Tadeusz) papers 1913–1975, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024],
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