Serendipity in the Archives
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Gibson Hugh S. (1883–1954) - Gibson Michael Francis (1929–2017) - Hoover Herbert C. (1874–1964) - Biblioteka i Archiwum Instytutu Hoovera - Biblioteka Prezydencka Hoovera - Drexel Biddle Anthony - Jr. (1897–1961) - Polska - Argentyna - Belgia - komitet kryzysowy do walki z głodem - I wojna światowa - II wojna światowaAbstrakt
Archives have a rather dull reputation. Boxes of dusty papers guarded by rigid access rules are unappealing to many people. However, there are exceptions to that preconception, notably the Hoover Institution Library and Archives. Hoover Archives has been a place of serendipity for me personally since 2009 when I was a graduate student. What began as a class project became a master’s thesis and launched a career as an independent historian. An astonishing collection of virtually unknown records combined with a wonderful array of people led the way to many adventures and publications. This is the story of how books and public histories are born – one person and one discovery at a time.
• About Us, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024].
• An American in Europe at War and Peace: Hugh S. Gibson’s Chronicles 1918–1919, eds. V.H. Reed, J. Böhler, Munich 2020.
• An American in Europe at War and Peace: Hugh S. Gibson’s Chronicles 1918–1919, eds. V.H. Reed, J. Böhler, Berlin 2021.
• Bernard L., Hoover’ Archivists’ Musings, Blog of the Hoover Institution Library and Archives, Tuesday, October 9, 2009, [online] [accessed 10.13.2009].
• Boothe Luce C., Europe in the Spring, New York 1940.
• Can’t-Miss Exhibit at History Meeting House: “Americans in Poland 1919–1947”, [online] [accessed 6.30.2019].
• Capelotti P.J., Our Man in the Crimea: Commander Hugo Koehler and the Russian Civil War, Columbia, South Carolina 1991.
• Georgette Mosbacher, [online] [accessed 14.02.2024].
• Gibson (Hugh S.) papers, [online] [accessed 14.02.2024].
• Gibson H.S., Amerykanin w Warszawie 1919–1924. Niepodległa Rzeczpospolita oczami pierwszego ambasadora Stanów Zjednoczonych, eds. V.H. Reed with M.B.B. Biskupski, J. Böhler, and J.-R. Potocki, transl. A. Ehrlich, Warszawa 2018.
• Gibson H.S., An American in Warsaw: Selected Writings of Hugh S. Gibson, US Minister to Poland 1919–1924, eds. V.H. Reed with M.B.B. Biskupski, J. Böhler, and J.-R. Potocki, Rochester, NY 2018.
• Kościński P., Wrzesień ambasadora, Warszawa 2022.
• Książka Historyczna Roku, Nagroda im. Oskara Haleckiego, TVP/Polskie Radio/Instytut Pamięci Narodowej/Narodowe Centrun Kultury, [online] [accessed 01.12.2023].
• Linda M. Bernard, [online] [accessed 14.02.2024].
• Nash G.H., The Life of Herbert Hoover. Vol. 2: The Humanitarian, 1914–1917, New York 1988.
• Over 147 000 Ukrainians enter Belarus since February 24, 2022, “Interfax International Information Group”, January 10, 2024, [online] [accessed 01.12.2023].
• Potocki J.-R., Reed V.H., Amerykanie w Polsce. Americans in Poland, 1919–1947, transl. J. Dąbrowska-Resiak, Warszawa 2019.
• Real Time History, [online] [accessed 14.02.2024].
• Reed V., Beneath the Surface: Argentine-US Relations as Perón Assumed the Presidency, completed in 2009 under the guidance of Professor John Rector, [online] [accessed 01.02.2024].
• Reed V., Chronicle of the Pandemic: Hugh Gibson’s Notes on the Spanish Flu of 1918, “Studia Historica Gedanensia” 2021, vol. 12, pp. 341–366.
• Reed V., Hugh S. Gibson and Anson Goodyear, [in:] Lobbyści. Zachodni rzecznicy polskiej niepodległości. Vol. 2: Raporty z Polski, ed. A. Turkowski, Warszawa 2021, non-counted pages.
• Reed V., Jak Amerykanie szpiegowali Sowietów. Przedwojenny wywiad USA w Polsce i nie tylko [original title in English: Uncommon Intelligence: American Espionage in Poland, 1921–1922], “Tygodnik TVP”, Warsaw 19.08. 2022, [online] [accessed 01.12.2023].
• Reed, V., Uncommon Diplomacy: Hoover’s Quiet Impact on US-Argentine Relations, “Academia” 2017, [online] [accessed 14.02.2024].
• Vivian Reed on American, [online] [accessed 09.29.2023].
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