Listy Friedricha Pfeiffera, bibliotekarza Biblioteki Miejskiej we Wrocławiu, do Theodora Langnera, bibliotekarza Wallenberg-Fenderlinsche Bibliothek zu Landeshut na Śląsku
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Theodor Langner (fl. 1870–1882) - Friedrich Pfeiffer (1827–1893) - katalogi biblioteczne - Kamienna Góra na Śląsku - biblioteki śląskieAbstrakt
Present paper contains edition of correspondence between Friedrich Pfeiffer (1827–1893), librarian of the Municipal Library in Wrocław and Theodor Langner (fl. 1870–1882), librarian of the Wallenberg-Fenderlinsche Library in Landeshut (currently Kamienna Góra). Letters in question were written, when Library was being completely reorganized, and Th. Langer, with the assistance of F. Pfeiffer, was working on a classified catalogue of this collection. Both librarians describe circumstances of catalogue’s composition and point difficulties they faced with.
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