Musical sources – meaning of the term in bibliology and museology
(on the example of musical sources in the collection of the Department of Publishing Art. at the National Museum in Wrocław)
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
muzykalia – obiekt muzealny – artefakt – Dział Sztuki Wydawniczej Muzeum Narodowego we WrocławiuAbstrakt
Although it may seem improbable, various types of musical sources can also be found in the collection of the Publishing Art Department of the National Museum in Wrocław. They are not only music sheets and songbooks, but also written documents related to musical works or people of music, and in the future, they could be even printed elements of sound documents or ephemeras related to music life. This was the reason for the general reflection on the understanding of the term “musical sources” (“musicals”) and its meaning in relation to the universes of music and publishing art. Then, basic categories of museum objects that are simultaneously from both universes – music and publishing art – were presented (with examples).
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