Instructions for the Authors

Please follow the guidelines concerning preparation of manuscripts to be send to the „Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections”.

  • The article should include: an introduction to the subject, research aim and methods, final conclusions.
  • The text should be in WORD 97/2003 (.docx file), font 12 pts, 1,5 spacing. Please limit the text formatting to a minimum.
  • The article should provide in a header (or in a footer in case of review and the reviewing notes): author’s name, surname and affiliation (in case of employment at a university or scientific research institution) or the name of the village, if there is no university affiliation.
  • The header of a review or a reviewing note should include the following elements: name and surname of the author of a text being reviewed, it’s title, publisher’s name, place and year of publication, number of pages, ISBN (ISSN). If a reviewed text belongs to a series – a name of series should be placed before place of publication, in quotes, straight font, serie’s volume number after comma.
  • The articles (excluding reviews and reviewing notes) should include an abstract, keywords in Polish and English languages, reference list, and a biographical note (degree/title, affiliation, mail address, ORCID, research interests optionally).

Text edition guidelines

Please observe the following:

  • Citations in straight font and quotes. Long citations set apart from a body of text with a 0,5 intend and 10 points font. Abandonments and abbreviations in citations or titles of cited works should be marked with brackets [].
  • Journal titles mentioned in a body of text – in straight font and in quotes (ex. “Roczniki Biblioteczne"), titles of works (books, articles) in italics, without quotes (ex. Annales Miechovienses).
  • Phrases in foreign languages – in italics (ex. nota bene).
  • Provenance: in straight font.
  • Numerals up to 10 in words, 11 and more in numbers (ex. eight books, 365 days). Please place full stops after numbers in case of ordinals (ex. in 15th number, the 90s). Numerals up to 10 thousands should be written altogether (ex. 9999), above 10 thousands – with a space (ex. 10 000).
  • Mentioning a person for the first time, please write his/her full name(s) and surname (ex. Joachim Lelewel), and any other time – just an initial (or initials) of names, without a space in between) and surname (ex. J.S. Bandtkie, J. Lelewel).
  • Place a reference number before a punctuation mark.



  • First time citation: a full bibliographic description is required, with full author's name and surname without spacing out. Titles of books and articles in italics; titles of journals, periodicals and series in straight font and comas (excluding abbreviated titles, ex. PSB).
  • Please insert [in:] after a title of article in joint publication. Volume number in arabic digits, after a publication year and come (ex. 2008, vol. 4).
  • Repeated citation: initial of author's name, surname, abbreviated title with suspension points, and page number.
  • Use "Ibidem" while referring to the same source in the following footnote or author's initial and surname followed by op. cit. (straight font)
  • References to electronic sources: author's full name and surname (straight font), a title (intalics), [online], full web address and access date in ().
  • If referring to a original archival material: library's or archive's name, signature, title (in straight font) and number of a chart (or page).
  • If referring to a part of a whole (or several pages) of an original text or literature, please indicate numbers of pages (ex. p. 1-2 or 3-5, 7, 8-9).
  • Separate bibliographic description elements with comas. Both footnotes and references should end with a full stop.



x M. Lyons, Books - A Living History, Los Angeles 2011, p. 71.

x Ibidem, p. 99.

x M. Lyons, op. cit., p. 107.

x M. Lyons, Books…, p. 223.

x See: C. Roemer, The Papyrus Roll in Egypt, Greece, and Rome, [in:] A Companion to the History of the Book, edited by S. Eliot and J. Rose, Malden, Oxford, Chichester 2007, pp. 84-94.

x British Library, sign. 1243, Collection of parchment documents.

x See also: E. Della Zazzera, Translating Revolutionary Time: French Republican Almanacs in the United States. " Book History" 2015, vol. 18, pp. 75-102.

x Cited after: R.L. Fowler, Encyclopaedias: Definitions and Theoretical Problems, [w:] Pre-Modern Encyclopaedic Texts, ed. P. Binkley, Leiden-New York-Köln 1997, s. 27.


  • The name of the photographer is required, as well as a statement of copyright. Illustrations shall be identified with a following number and author's name; 300 dpi resolution.
  • A list of illustration is required, including: their authors' names, titles, source (where the originals are available).