Private book collections of Basilian monks of the order’s Crown province on the basis of the proveniences derived from 16th-18th century prints from Ossolineum library. The outline of the topic


  • Maria Pidłypczak-Majerowicz



Poland 18th century, Basilian monks, Crown province, monks’ private book collections, old prints, provenance research


Provenance research implemented to the collections of old prints allows to determine the other, different bigger and smaller collections. Books from former conventual libraries established foundation of many large private and state owned collections of old prints from the end of 18th century onward. Except the names of convents and places they were situated in proprietary records contains also the names of the monks building their own private book collections, which usually after their deaths - were left at convents their owners lived in. Basilian monks of the order’s Crown province left their private book collections in several convents, mainly in Dobromil, from where library collections were overtaken by Basilian monks from Krechów. Several tens of prints from private collections were signed with names by their proprietors, what allows following the growth of Basilian monks’ book collections, analysing their content and functions as well as describing the value of the books collected by these monks.




