The popularization of agricultural books and professional reading in the countryside in relation to the 9th Plenary Convention of the Central Committee of the PUWP guidelines (based on Wrocław voivodeship)




9th Plenum of the Central Committee of PZPR, methods of propagation of agricultural literature, methods of propagation of technical literature, public libraries of the Wrocław voivodeship (1953-1954), Competition of Rural Readers (1950-1954), Bierut Bolesław


Bolesław Bierut’s paper The task of the party in the struggle to raise the standard of living of working people in the current period of socialist construction presented at the 9th Plenary Convention of the Central Committee of the PZPR (29-30 October, 1953) became the basis for formulating the thesis published prior to II Congress of the PZPR (16 January, 1954). In the struggle for the growth of agricultural production and for the socialist reconstruction of the countryside, the whole society needed to participate; the librarians played an important role in popularizing the agricultural and technical literature. The author enumerated activities and commitments undertaken in this area throughout the country, focusing in particular on the commitments undertaken by public libraries of the Wrocław voivodeship. The basis for the study were archival materials from the Presidium’s of the Provincial National Council Department of Culture (1953-1954) available at the State Archives in Wrocław.


Archiwum Państwowe we Wrocławiu, Zespół PWRN, Wydział Kultury, sygn. IX/25.

Źródła opublikowane:
Bibliotekarze w dyskusjach przedzjazdowych, „Poradnik Bibliotekarza” 1953, nr 12, s. 265-272.
Jagusztyn W., Koleżanko! Kolego!, „Poradnik Bibliotekarza” 1953, nr 12, s. 269-272.
Konkurs Czytelników Wiejskich IV etapu: 22.VII.1953-22.VII.1954, „Poradnik Bibliotekarza” 1953, nr 9, s. 198-199.
List Walnego Zjazdu Delegatów SBP do Prezesa Rady Ministrów Bolesława Bieruta, „Bibliotekarz” 1954, nr 1, s. 2-3.
Łukaszewska R., Jak dobierać książki do czytania w Konkursie Czytelników Wiejskich, „Poradnik Bibliotekarza” 1953, nr 11, 241-251.
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Nasze zadania na tle IX Plenum, „Poradnik Bibliotekarza” 1954, nr 1, s. 1-6.
Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich, „Bibliotekarz” 1954, nr 1, s. 1-2.
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