The activities of Roy Publishers in New York during 1941-1960 – a continuation of the pre-war Publishing Society “Rój” tradition




Publishing House “Rój” – Roy Publishers – Polish emigre publishing houses – Polish interwar literature – Literary translation awards – Marian Kister – Hanna Kister


The article discusses the publishing activities of Roy Publishers in New York from 1940 to the 1960s, particularly its impact on popularizing Polish literature and information about Poland in the U.S. The publishing house continued the tradition of the former house, named “Rój”, which was active during 1924-1940 in Warsaw and established by Melchior Wańkowicz, then managed together with Marian Kister. The article is based on the materials from the publishing house archive, now held at Stanford University Libraries, a valuable research source on the émigré cultural heritage of the 2nd Republic of Poland.


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