“Kłosy” about the book and the press in Galicia (1865-1890)


  • Dorota Fortuna




history of the book, history of the press, history of publishing movement, history of libraries, Lviv, Galicia, the 19th century


The article presents problems of the Polish publishing movement in the Austrian partition in the second half of the 19th century, in the perspective on information from the “Kłosy” weekly, published in Warsaw in the years 1956-1890. The journal was published in the capital of the Kingdom of Poland, however it informed about the book and press matters in other partitions as well, in particular in the Austrian one - i.e. Galicia. The author focused on the latter. The brief presentation of social and political situation in the Austrian partition is followed by the following topics; the role of Lviv in literary, scientific and publishing activities, as well as book and press reading in Galicia; activities of libraries and reading rooms of the Towarzystwo Oświaty Ludowej (the Society of Folk Education) established in 1881 in Lviv; the role of so-called folk literature for education of lower societal classes; activities of the Komitet Wydawnictw Dziełek Ludowych i Macierzy Polskiej (Committee of Folk Literature Publishers and the Polish Education Association); the Galician education, science, professional and press publishers presented in the “Kłosy” weekly. The analysis reveals that the interest of the : “Kłosy” weekly focused mostly on the topic of folk education and reading promotion in Galicia.




