Programma litterarium by Józef Andrzej Załuski


  • Tadeusz Bieńkowski



Programma litterarium, Józef Andrzej Załuski, the Załuski Library, bibliography, rennaisance.


The brochure Programma litterarium… published in 1732 is fundamental for understanding the ideology, objectives, and methods of the work of Józef Andrzej Załuski. He described there his programme, realized consequently throughout his entire life. The publication offers also the first in Poland long-term development plan for the humanities, a conscious and considered plan of rescuing, gathering, maintenance, and complete scientific elaboration of written monuments. Therefore is the theoretical fundament of gathering and usage of Polish historical book collections. The author presents the contents of the brochure, as well as its evaluation. The publication was undoubtedly an extraordinary cultural phenomenon in Poland of the Saxon times, and the ideas included indicated that the author seized European Enlightenment ideas.  

