The book collection of Konstancja Sapieżyna in the light of the inventory of 1757


  • Hanna Wolska



Konstancja Sapieżyna, women book collections, noble libraries, history of libraries.


The article aims at short characteristics of the book collection of Konstancja Sapieżyna née Radziwiłł (1697-1756), known thanks to the preserved inventory, one of a few preserved registers of women libraries, collected in Poland in the first half of the 18th century. Moreover, this is the list of books collected by a representative of the most powerful Lithuanian family, and also a wife of Jan Fryderyk Sapieha (1680-1751), one of the highest state official of the August III reigning. Finally, which is not negligible, an owner of the first known exlibris with a Polish text. The register consists of information about 805 copies in two main groups – Polish and French books – the former dominating. Most of the collection consisted of religious works (books of hours, sermons, psalters), hagiographic literature, meditations and spiritual exercises of different kinds. A few laic positions include mostly practical manuals, French, German and Polish grammar, parliamentary constitutions, calendars, literature and panegyrics. The whole list fits on 5 pages of folio format. The inventory is now available in the Central Archives of Historical Records; it registers chattels, books included.

