Author’s autographs in the early printed books of the 16-18th centuries of the Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine




early printed book, handwritten author’s inscription, autograph, dedication, Ossolineum, Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine


The author’s autographs in the early printed books from the collection of the Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine can be grouped in two categories. The first one includes author’s signatures, their individual notes concerning the book, amendments and supplements to the text. These materials, quite rare in the books, are of particular importance for the researchers of the history of writing and printing. They can become an authoritative reference for dating, settling authorship of anonymous works, preparations of critical editions. The following authors are mentioned in the text: Mikołaj Bernett (1643-1710), Stanisław Brzeżański (ca 1650-1738), Tadeusz Juda Krusiński (1675-1757), Gottfried Lengnich (16891774), Ignacy Krasicki (1735-1801). The other category of author’s autographs, bigger and as precious as the previous one, includes hand-written author’s dedications. The annex to this text registers 67 Polish dedications from the 16-18th centuries. The following famous persons can be found among authors and recipients: Erazm of Rotterdam, Ercole Sassonia, Martinus Glicius of Pilzno, Andrzej Wolan, and Daniel Mikołajewski.


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