Protection and documentation of dispersed collections. Remarks concerning documentation realized by the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for the Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad


  • Urszula Paszkiewicz



the Polish Bibliological Society, protection of cultural heritage, documentation of cultural heritage, dispersed collections, history of libraries, history of private book collections, the Library of the Greek-Catholic Chapter in Przemyśl, the book collection of Witold Kazimierz Czartoryski from Honfleur, the Aleksander Czołowski Collection, Poland, Ukraine, 20th century.


The IVth Forum of Polskie Towarzystwo Bibliologiczne [the Polish Bibliological Society – PBS] "Protection of the European and national written heritage" took place on December 2, 1997, participated by Polish and Ukrainian libraries. U. Paszkiewicz presented problems concerning documentation of dispersed historical library and archival collections, referring to the history of the Library of the Greek-Catholic Chapter in Przemyśl, the book collection of Witold Kazimierz Czartoryski from Honfleur (France), and the archival "Aleksander Czołowski Collection". Concluding, she states that registration and cataloguing of such dispersed collections as a whole requires both national and international cooperation. Cataloguing of historical (library, archival, or museum) collection, subject to protection as any cultural object, is not an internal matter of individual institutions.

