„Jedno zgoda wcale nas zachowa”. Speeches and writings of Stanisław Karnkowski from the times of first interregna


  • Jan Dzięgielewski




interregnum, free election, The Election Sejm, noble democracy, political speeches, political writing, Stanisław Karnkowski.


The article discusses constitutional aspects of the speeches of Stanisław Karnowski, the outstanding clergyman and statesman, as well as of political writings inspired by him in the time of first and third interregnum (when he as the primate fulfilled the role of interrex). In his writings Karnkowski discussed the ways of reparation of the Republic of Poland, formulated rules of conduct during interregnum, effectively mediated in the face of a danger of civil war during the third interregnum, and indicated the need of compromise, as well as he advised how to prevent a bloodshed. His political activity, expressed in speeches and writings, resulted in a compromise, and the pacification parliament became a model of recovering from an internal crisis.

