Ten years in life of the Polish diaspora libraries (1938-1948)


  • Barbara Bieńkowska




the Polish diaspora libraries, cultural life in exile, emigration, the Polish diaspora, documentation of the Polish diaspora book collections, the “Polish libraries abroad in the years 1938-1948. Information Guide”, the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad


The author describes works on the “Polish libraries abroad in the years 1938-1948. Information Guide”, being developed in the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad. The main problem of this task is lacking or incomplete documentation of the Polish diaspora libraries all over the world, or problems in reaching it. General history of the largest libraries are commonly known, presented in texts concerning book studies or the Poles living abroad. However, even these information are very dispersed.  It is difficult to present a complete picture of the Polish diaspora libraries on this basis. The authors realised wide inquiries, archival searching, and analysis of provenance materials available in the country. Thanks to these works, regardless material scarcity, a richness and dynamic of the Polish diaspora activities in developing collections can be presented.

