Sources to the history of libraries from the first half of the 20th century vs classification


  • Jacek Puchalski



knowledge of sources, sources to history of libraries, classification of sources, history of libraries, libraries, the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad.


The author presents and critically reviews (refering to the subject literature) selected existing classifications of sources to the history of books and/or libraries, developed by book or library experts, among others Iosif Barenbaum, Kazimiera Maleczyńska, Alexander Greguletz, Andreas Anderhub, Krzysztof Migoń, Maria Kocójowa. He also presents in detail the classification developed for the needs of works realised since 1992 in the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad (since 2002 the Department of National Heritage in the Ministry of Culture). They are focused on documentation of war losses of the libraries, and selection and classification of source material is attributed adequately. The author analyses also classifications developed by historians, in regard of their usability for book studies, in particular history of libraries in the first half of the 20th century. 

