Prints on secret arts in Poland in the 16th-17th centuries


  • Piotr Tafiłowski



history of the book, alchemy, astrology and divination, demonology, magic, witchcraft, Poland, 16th-17th centuries.


The article discusses writing on secret arts, printed and published in Poland in the 16th-17th centuries. The author describes their authors, potential readers, publishers, printers, dedications’ addressees, by and for which these works were prepared and intended. The Polish prints themselves, concerning alchemy, astrology and divination; demonology, magic and witchcraft, are also analysed. The author concludes that the most publications in Poland concerned astrology and divination – great popularity and profitability of which is proved by large editions of calendar prints as early as in the first half of the 16thcentury. That is why publications of that kind, in particular the collection of 483 prints collected by the Author, have been analysed in details. However, in his opinion neither alchemy, demonology, nor magic receive much interest of book publishers in Poland.

