«The noblest from among all bookplates». Commentaries to the Book by Arkadiusz Wagner The Polish Supralibros. The study on Bibliophile Culture and Art from Medieval Ages up to the mid 17th Century


  • Maria Cubrzyńska-Leonarczyk Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie, Warszawa




bibliology, history of art, tegumentology, provenance research, supralibros, bibliophily, Poland since medieval ages up to the mid of 17th century


The article results from a critical lecture of the book, written by the art historian and bibliologist Arkadiusz Wagner from Toruń 2016. This is the first in Polish academic literature complete monography of supralibros within the Polish Crown and the Great Duchy of Lithuania, since medieval ages up to the mid of 17th century. Wagner describes Pollish history of «the noblest of all bookplates» within a context of bibliophile culture and art in Poland and Europe. Author of the review refers critically to the structure and geographical scope of the text (omission of the Pomerania and Silesia), to the definition of „supralibros” or other terms used by A. Wagner. However, she concluded that her remarks do not detract value of the book, which seems to stay valid in next decades and become a fundament of further researches.


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