About Kazimierz Narbutt SP in a slightly different way
biographies, history of the science, Kazimierz Narbutt (1738-1807), Society for Elementary Books in Warsaw, Poland, 18th-19th centuries.Abstract
The article considers Kazimierz Narbutt (1738-1807), author of the first logic written in Polish, creator of terminology in this domain. He promoted views of the philosophers Christian Wolff and Anton Genovesi in Poland, in his textbook Logika, czyli rozważania i rozsądzania rzeczy nauka, według której każdy ma we wszystkim prawdy dochodzić i strzec się fałszu – first edition in Vilnius in 1769, the next and changed also in Vilnius in 1775. The author discusses also other works from the youth of the Piarist and researcher: Z filozofii wybrane zdania (Vilnius 1771) and translated from the French language Nauka żołnierska króla pruskiego dla jego generałów dana (Vilnius 1771), as well as his further educational activity in the Society for Elementary Books and his social activity in Warsaw. The text ends with an attempt to eliminate gaps in his biography as a clergy man – a rector in Lida and an abbot in Paradyż.