The prehistory of Polish book in France (from the 14th century to the November Uprising)


  • Andrzej Kłossowski



the Polish book in exile, France, Polonica, emigration.


The article is a short synthesis of the presence of the Polish book in France. The author begins his reflections with a presentation of the first publications contributing to the knowledge of Poland and developing opinions about the Poles, dating back to the 14th-16th centuries. Next, he describes the role of Jan Ziarnko, of Lviv, who gained great recognition among the French as an engraver and illustrator of books and occasional publications in the 17th century. The author underlines increased interest in Poland manifested also in the press and related to the tightening of Polish-French relations resulting from the court tiles (the wedding with Ludwika Maria Gonzaga and the figure of Maria Leszczyńska). The 18th century was a time of great development of publications about Poland, culminated in the 19th century. After the collapse of national uprisings, by providing hospitality France became the main centre of Polish cultural and publishing life.

