The Solidarity Collection of Polish Clandestine Publications at the British Library




Solidarity, Samizdat, Dissent, Polish Collections abroad, Polonica, British Library, grey literature, underground publications.


This article describes the history and content of the British Library’s Solidarity Collection of Polish clandestine publications. Over the past forty years, the British Library’s curators have collected Polish samizdat publications as valuable documents attesting to the struggle for freedom of speech faced with prevalent censorship. Although named after the Solidarity movement, the collection encompasses clandestine publications and ephemera from the 1970s until the end of the communist rule in Poland. A big part of the repository are donations of items smuggled to the West during the Cold War period. As of today, the collection includes 1759 books, 831 periodical titles and 548 ephemeral publications, encompassing various materials, from political posters and pamphlets to flying university lectures and postcards.


• Barker, Colin, “Poland, 1980-81: The Self-Limited Revolution” [in:] Colin Barker (ed.), Revolutionary Rehearsals (London : Bookmarks, 1987).

• Błażejowska, Justyna, Drukarnia – duża szpilka, która kłuje [in:] „Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej” 2010, issue 9/10, pp. 35-44.

• Błażejowska, Justyna, Papierowa rewolucja. Z dziejów drugiego obiegu wydawniczego w Polsce 1976-1989/1990 (Warszawa : Instytut Pamięci Narodowej - Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2010).

• British Library. Department of Printed Books, Solidarity and other Polish clandestine publications in the British Library (London : British Library, Reference Division, Department of Printed Books, 1985).

• Collection of Polish underground ephemeral publications [a portfolio], BL shelfmark Sol.764.

• Bolecki, Włodzimierz, “Getting around Polish Censorship 1968-89)”, [in:] Marcel Cornis-Pope, John Neubauer (eds), History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe: Junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Volume 3: The making and remaking of literary institutions (Amsterdam; Philadelphia : Benjamins Publishing, 2007), pp. 135-137.

• Jastrzȩbski, Marek; Krysiak, Ewa, Avoiding Censorship: The "Second Circulation" of Books in Poland, “Journal of Reading” March 1993, volume 36, issue 6, pp. 470-473.

• “Marek Garztecki” entry on Wikipedia [] (accessed on 11/12/2020).

• Marta Marcinkiewicz, Sebastian Ligarski, “Wstęp”, [in:] Papierem w system : prasa drugoobiegowa w PRL, edited by Marta Marcinkiewicz and Sebastian Ligarski (Szczecin : Instytut Pamięci Narodowej - Oddział w Szczecinie, 2010), pp. 11-15.

• Parfianowicz-Vertun, Weronika, “Creating Central Europe in Polish and Czech Samizdat”, [in:] Understanding Central Europe (London : Routledge, 2017), pp. 43-51.

• Pelpliński, Wiktor, “Cenzura jako instrument propagandy w PRL” [in:] Propaganda w PRL – wybrane problemy, edited by Piotr Semków (Gdańsk : Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2004).

• Ruzikowski, Tadeusz (ed.), Encyklopedia „Solidarności”. Opozycja w PRL 1976–1989 (Warszawa : Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, 2010-2020) [available at :] (accessed on 12/10/2020).

• “Solidarność, wielopłaszczyznowy ruch na rzecz demokratyzacji i głębokich reform ustrojowych PRL” [in:] Encyklopedia PWN (1997-2020) [available at :] (accessed on 12/10/2020).

• Sowiński, Paweł, Zakazana książka. Uczestnicy drugiego obiegu 1977–1989 (Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN, 2011).

• Szkuta, Magda, Solidarity Collection (post on the European Studies blog of British Library; 31.08.2015) [available at :] (accessed on 12/10/2020).

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• Waligóra, Grzegorz, “Niezależna prasa przed powstaniem NSZZ Solidarność”, [in:] Papierem w system : prasa drugoobiegowa w PRL, edited by Marta Marcinkiewicz and Sebastian Ligarski (Szczecin : Instytut Pamięci Narodowej - Oddział w Szczecinie, 2010), pp. 26-34.




