Promotion of the Pomeranian Digital Library resources on the example of an eighteenth-century manuscript




digital library, manuscripts, promotion in the library


The aim of the article is to present the method of sharing and promoting the manuscript collections on the example of the 18th-century manuscript of Christian Gabriel Fischer available in the Pomeranian Digital Library (PDL). This manuscript inspired the Library of the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Institute of City Culture in Gdańsk to cooperate on a project promoting. Thanks to the joint initiative, work on the transcription of the German text written in „Kurrent” script was started and a number of events were organized to popularize both the manuscript’s content and the 18th-century calligraphy among contemporary audience. The authors used statistical information on the number of pageviews of the manuscript and the number of visits in the period from the launch of the PDL platform until May 31, 2021. In order to illustrate how popular and useful the organized events were, the authors presented the data collected by the Institute of City Culture monitoring the number of the participants of the events. The statistical data was supplemented with an analysis of the literature on the promotion of cultural heritage collections.


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