Kazania świętokrzyskie – aspekt retoryczny
https://doi.org/10.33077/uw.25448730.zbkh.2010.500Słowa kluczowe:
Kazania świętokrzyskie, kaznodziejstwo średniowieczne, retoryka, paleografia.Abstrakt
The author devotes his com m ents to the recent edition of the Świętokrzyskie Sermons, and in particular to the attempt at describing their reasoning structure, perform ed on the instance of the Sermon for St. CatheHne’s Day. Lichański brings into doubt the vahdity of the conclusions drawn on the basis o f an analysis of a single text, m oreover of uncertain transmission. He points out that it is difficult to dem onstrate that this particular sermon played any distinguished role in medieval Pohsh preaching, or - what is m ore important - that it was a typical example of a sermon representing a wider group. The research issue that needs to be settled here is estabhshing, whether w e are dealing with the script of sermons already delivered, a set of plans for sermons, or with ready serm ons to be delivered. A nother matter is the question, to what degree did their author fulfil the postulates im phed by the theoretical requirem ents applying to the inventio and dispositio stages of serm on-text constructions. Lichański also contends that due to scarcity of source materials, it is hardly possible to state anything with respect to these issues with any degree o f certainty. The author concludes that from the editorial and codicological point o f view the new edition is a major achievem ent. N evertheless one cannot likewise evaluate the treatm ent of rhetorical matters therein. In this respect the new edition only repeats issues well known and long since resolved.