To Publish, Make Known and Sell or Promoting Printed Books in the Incunabula Period
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
book advertisements – incunabula period – book trade – Incunabula Short Title Catalogue – Gesamtkatalog der WiegendruckeAbstrakt
The study To Publish, Make Known and Sell is based on verified existence of competition tensions between the 15th century typographers/publishers, related to the absence of functional regulatory tools of book production of the incunabula period. The increase in the number of book-printers within the relatively narrow geographical area, disregard of publishers’ privileges, the emergence of pirated reprints, as well as insufficient self-promotion on the book market through introducing novelties had concentrated typographers’ attention on devising new tools of securing their triumph in publisher’s competition – the so called book advertisements. The author has analysed 44 promotional posters of the incunabula period from several points of view and attempted to identify their design elements, which on the one hand showed signs of certain standardization, while on the other hand they were subject to personal creativity of their creator. She gives detailed overview of the circumstances of the origin, typographic design and contents of book advertisements of several kinds within the context of promoting either the existing or planned editions, of one edition or a group of books; specifically focusing on the unique types of advertising. In conclusion, the author cites the circumstances of the extinction of book advertisements related to the rise of the new promotional tool – booksellers’ catalogue and submits a bibliography of the book advertisements dating from the 15th century.
• [Advertisement for: Vincentius Bellovacensis: Speculum vitae], [Augsburg not after 1474].
• Albrecht Kunne, [Advertisement for seven accounts of the year 1486 in 94 Latin words], [Memmingen about 1486].
• Albrecht Kunne, [Advertisement], [Memmingen about 1500].
• Aldus Manutius, Aldus Manutius's Petition against Counterfeiters, Venice [online],, (access date: 09/03/2021).
• Anton Koberger, [Advertisement for: Antonius Florentinus: Summa theologiae, sive moralis]. [Nuremberg about 1480].
• Anton Koberger, [Advertisement for: Schedel: Liber chronicarum], [Nuremberg about 1493].
• Barbara Halporn, ed., The Correspondence of Johann Amerbach, Michigan 2000.
• Bernard Shapero and Pierre-Yves Guillemet, 75 Incunables from the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, [online],, (access date: 10/04/2021), p. 40.
• Berthold Ruppel, [Advertisement for: Rainerus de Pisis: Pantheologia]. [Basel, not after 1477].
• Carl Primbs, Das Todtenbuch des ehemaligen Franziskaner-Klosters in Landshut, [online],, (access date: 01/02/2021).
• Dennis E. Rhodes, Notes on the Bibliography od Rainerius de Pisis, [online], “The British Library Journal“, 1996, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 238-241,, (access date: 12/5/2021).
• Gerard Leeu, [Advertisement for: Melusine], [Antwerp, about 1491].
• Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, [online],, (access date: 01/02/2021).
• Günter Hägele, Melker Reform und Buchdruck Zur Druckerei im Augsburger Benediktinerkloster St. Ulrich und Afra, [in:] Reformen vor der Reformation: Sankt Ulrich und Afra und der monastisch-urbane Umkreis im 15. Jahrhundert, edited by G. Drossbach and K. Wolf, Augsburg 2018, pp. 187-204.
• Günther Zainer, [Advertisement for: Rainerus de Pisis: Pantheologia]. [Augsburg about 1474].
• Günther Zainer, [Advertisement], [Augsburg about 1471].
• Heinrich Eggestein, [Advertisement for: 41-line Bible], Strasbourg about 1468/70.
• Hieronymus, [online],, (access date: 04/04/2020).
• Incunabula Short Title Catalogue, [online],, (access date: 04/05/2021).
• Ingeborg Gabriele Weuthen, Die Messepolitik der Verlagsbuchhändler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf der internationalen Frankfurter Buchmesse, Wiesbaden 1984, ISBN-103-447-02456-9.
• Joanna Kostylo, Commentary on Johannes of Speyer’s Venetian monopoly (1469), [online]. _1469, (access date: 02/10/2018).
• Johann Bämler, [Advertisement offering for sale eight books printed about 1472-73]. [Augsburg after 9.VIII.1473].
• Johann Fust, Peter Schöffer, Psalterium, [Mayence] 14 Aug. 1457.
• Johann Herbort, [Advertisement lists over 80 editions from various Italian presses... 'precipue ex optima offina magistri Nicolai Jenson']. [Venice: Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, not before 24 June or 14 Nov. 1481].
• Johann Mentelin, [Advertisement for: Astesanus: Summa de casibus conscientiae],[Strasbourg early in 1469].
• Johann Mentelin, [Advertisement for: Augustinus: Epistolae and eight other books]. [Strasbourg about 1471].
• Johann Sensenschmidt, Andreas Frinser, [Advertisement]. [Nuremberg 1475].
• Johann Sensenschmidt, Heinrich Keffer, [Advertisement for the 'Pantheologia' of Rainerius de Pisis], [Nuremberg 1473].
• Johann Schilling, [Advertisement for: Franciscus de Maioranis, 'Flores Sancti Augustini ex libris De civitate dei extracti'], [Cologne about 1473].
• Johannes Regiomontanus, [Advertisement], [Nuremberg 1474].
• Lotte Hellinga, Incunabula in Transit: People and Trade, Leiden, Boston 2018, ISBN 978-90-04-34035-0, p. 404.
• Menso Folkerts, Andreas Kühne, Regiomontan(us), [online],, (access date: 12/05/2021).
• Oliver Duntze, Verlagsbuchhandel und verbreitender Buchhandel von der Erfindung des Buchdrucks bis 1700, [in:] Buchwissenschaft in Deutschland, edited by Ursula Rautenberg, Berlin 2010, pp. 203-256, ISBN 978-3-11-020036-2.
• P. Schöffer, [Advertisement]...
• P. Voit, Jacob Bellaert, [online],, (access date: 01/03/2020).
• Peter Schöffer, [Advertisement for: Hieronymus: Epistolae], Mayence 1470.
• Peter Schöffer, [Advertisement], [Mayence about 1469].
• Petr Voit, Knihtisk, [online],, (access date: 03/03/2021).
• Regiomontans Verlagsanzeige von 1473/74, [online],, (access date: 09/04/2021).
• Reinhard Wittmann, Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels, [München] 2011, ISBN 978−3−406−61760−7.
• Severin Corsten, Johann von Köln, [online],, (access date: 23/5/2021).
• Thomas de Blavis, [Advertisement for: Bonifac VIII.: Liber sextus Decretalium], [Venice 1489].
• Ulrike Spyra, Maria Effinger, Werkstatt des Diebold Lauber, [online],, (access date: 09/09/2019).
• Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg,, Public Domain - This work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.
• William Caxton, [Advertisement for: Directorium Saresberiense], [Westminster about 1477].
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