The Private Aristocratic Library of Jozef Esterházi (1682–1748)in His Čeklís Mansion (Bernolákovo, Slovakia). Pilot Research



Słowa kluczowe:

historia kultury książki – biblioteka magnacka – Esterházi Jozef (1682–1748) – XVIII w. – Królestwo Węgier – Čeklís (dzisiejsze Bernolákovo, Słowacja)


This study is a piece of pilot research on the aristocratic library of Count Jozef Esterházi in his Čeklís Mansion (the present-day Bernolákovo in Slovakia). The main source for the research comprises the extant catalogue of this library from the year 1749, currently deposited in the National Széchényi Library in Budapest, and its published transcription. The authors present some basic biographical data of Jozef Esterházi and, in this context, discuss the character, development, and orientation of his library from various perspectives. They also inform about Poland-related items in Esterházi’s collection, including a seventeenth-century print related to Poland, which the authors of this study identified among the holdings of the University Library in Bratislava.


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