Plunder, vindication and losses of the writing heritage in Poland and abroad. Experiences – conclusions – diagnosis


The year 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of signing a peace treaty between Poland, Russia and Ukraine, commonly known as the Treaty of Riga.

The treaty is evaluated as the one of the most important documents for interwar East Central Europe. It established - among others - eastern border of Poland, contributed to territorial, political, ethnic and cultural shape of reviving Polish Republic, legitimized borders of Belorussia and Ukraine, and also raised – in the unparalleled in the international law history way – issues of restitution and repatriation of the Polish cultural heritage plundered by tsarist Russia.

Provisions contained in chapter XI of the Treaty of Riga might serve as an example of implementation of the rule of rebuilding the national integrity of cultural heritage to international law after the 1st World War.

The broadly planned action of the Polish research community (mainly archivists, librarians, historians, art historians, museologists) directed on restitution of plundered treasures of the Polish culture was possible to accomplish only on the basis of those provisions of the Treaty of Riga.

Having in mind this important anniversary and the fact, that cultural heritage stored in the collections of libraries, museums and archives suffers losses throughout entire human history and in every corner of the world the editorial board of the quarterly „Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections” invites researchers to submit articles devoted to the issues of „Plunder, vindication and losses of the writing heritage in Poland and abroad. Experiences – conclusions – diagnosis”.

We kindly invite to the participation in the publication representatives of different disciplines, researchers and practitioners whose interests are focused on the main topic given above, subdivided into the following areas:

  1. Plunders and losses of the cultural heritage – Europe – Asia – South America – North America – Africa,
  2. Law provisions securing the safety of the cultural heritage – theory and practice,
  3. Vindication – experiences – conclusions – diagnosis’.

We expect the articles in English, edited according to the rules presented at

The deadline for the articles’ submission is the 30th May 2021.

Texts should be sent to:

Professor of the University of Warsaw,  Jacek Puchalski Ph.D.

Editor-in-Chief  of „Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections”
