Censorship in Russia 1855-1917 – on the margins of Paweł Siemionowicz Riejfman’s book .


  • Janusz Kostecki Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie, Kraków, Polska




censorship – Russia – 1855–1917 – Alexander II – Alexander III – Nicholas II – Russia press – 1855–1917 – Saint Petersburg – Moskwa


The article is the review of the book by Paweł Siemionowicz Riejfman, historian of press and literature, Cenzura w doriewolucyonnoj, sowietskoj i postsowietskoj Rossii. T. 1. Cenzura w doriewolucyonnoj Rossii (Censorship in pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet Russia, vol. 1. Censorship in pre-revolutionary Russia), published in Moscow in 2017. This is the third number of this first volume. There will be two volumes in total, consisting of lectures given by Riejfman in the years 2001-2003 at the university in Tartu. This number refers to the period from the Alexander II accession to the throne up to the end of the Nicholas II ruling. The author focuses on the authorities’ control of the press at that time. This is a compilation work, as Riejfman did not any own studies on censorship.


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