Printed sources of the years 1795-1918 for studies on the history of the Polish book. Methodological problems


  • Marianna Mlekicka



archival sources, history of the book, research methodology, bibliology, sources to history of the book


This methodological article discusses usage of printed only sources of the years 1795-1918 for studies on the history of the Polish book. It aims at presentation of selected categories of documentary sources, which can be used in studies on the 19th century. Presentation of particular groups of sources includes, if possible, its definition, brief content characteristics, and potential for book studies, i.e. its scientific value. The following categories are discussed: announcements, book catalogues, journals, calendars, reference works or tourist guides. The presentation is very brief, it does not regard dynamics of development of these materials. However, the text is to determinate directions for source explorations for pre-defined research problem, and to help in orientation in the sources’ content, what (for a change) can be helpful in defining new problems.

