Extant copies from the Polish Vasa libraries


  • Irena Komasara




historical book collections, dispersed collections, royal libraries, bindings, provenances, the Vasa family


The author, referring to the extant copies from the Vasa book collections, states that either Sigismund the 3rd or his sons can be perceived as bibliophiles. It is confirmed by their attention to a high quality aesthetics of ordered bindings. Examples are copies from the Sigismund the 3rd library in luxury bindings with super exlibrises, and those silver-plated, books from the collection of Ladislaus the 4th and Jan Casimirus, mostly similar to those belonging to their father, as well as parchment prints of Charles Ferdinand, with super exlibrises. The author, referring to the traces of reading left on these copies, formulates a hypothesis concerning utilitarian character of the books from the Vasa collection, regardless their luxury furnishings. The list of extant copies is annexed (154 items) from the Polish Vasa libraries, and images of super exlibrises.

